Your advantages

Members of the closed network can efficiently check on the volunteering status of proposed trial subjects across multiple clinical trial sites using one simple search of unique identifying data.

The search is sent to all members of the network and reporting of volunteering status is conveyed back to the originator site in real time.

How it works

Secure and anonymous

The manner in which data is presented to the network ensures search subjects anonymity, only presenting a positive response from another member site where a subject is identified as being involved (currently enrolled or within the washout period) in a clinical trial with that site.

All search reports are saved locally and the reporting tool ensures readily available access to past searches for sponsor and regulatory audits.
The system is not a volunteer register thereby safeguarding each member sites volunteer data.

As a member you control your data at a local level only making limited unique identifying data on subjects involved in clinical trials available to the network for a finite period of time.

A pan European tool provided by EUFEMED

Through EUFEMED’s governance of the system, a viable pan European over volunteering assessment tool exists by which no single participating member has overall control of the system.

Together with its members, EUFEMED’s governance will safeguard the continued availability of this important tool beyond the members involved in its creation and current use.

An indispensable help for clinical trials

The Prefect Search Spider System (PSSS) is a specialised peer to peer search application which allows a variety of participating organisations (PSSS-Alliance Members) to verify the eligibility of potential trial participants prior to inclusion in a trial study.

The system requires limited volunteer identifiers (i.e. search parameters), in order to verify their eligibility for trial participation.

Any trial unit can participate in the PSSS-Alliance Members by allowing the Prefect SSS system to query a “closed viewing area” of their volunteer database or an extract of their currently enrolled volunteers saved to a secure remote server.


Square de Meeûs 35

1000 Brussels


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