4th EUFEMED Conference: Mastering the New Time Pressure on Human Pharmacology - Presentations List

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Pre-Conference Workshop Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Conducting human challenge trials: COVID-19 and beyond…
Chairs: Henri Caplain, France; Jan de Hoon, Belgium
General introduction: Challenge studies, what’s in a name?
Jan de Hoon, Belgium
Challenge studies with infectious agents
Emma Smith, United Kingdom
Challenge studies with infectious agents: pro, cons and ethical aspects
Hugh Davies, United Kingdom
Challenge studies in asthma
Harun Badakhshi, Germany
Challenge studies with immunological stimulants
Matthijs Moerland, The Netherlands
Challenge agents in target engagement models
Jan de Hoon, Belgium
General discussion and closing remarks

Day 1 - Thursday, 25 May, 2023

Welcome and Introduction by the President Tim Hardman, UK

How to assess risk from pre-clinical to clinical research more efficiently | Experiences and suggestions
Chairs: Jan de Hoon, Belgium; Rob Zuiker, The Netherlands
The pre-clinical perspective
Stephanie Plassmann, Germany
The clinical perspective
Henri Caplain, France
Moderated plenary discussion with the speakers
Challenges in healthy volunteers and patient recruitment for human pharmacology trials - Experiences and Suggestions
Chairs: Izaak den Daas, The Netherlands; Yves Donazzolo, France
Studies in healthy volunteers: Evolution in recruitment of healthy volunteer trials, before, during and after the pandemic
Jelle Klein, Belgium
Main challenges for the inclusion of patients in phase I trials
Izaak den Daas, The Netherlands
„Why I took part in a clinical trial“ – Results from a motivation survey amongst Polish healthy volunteers
Agnieszka Kulesza, Poland
Ethical challenges in recruitment for phase I trials
Yves Donazzolo, France
Moderated plenary discussion with the speakers:
How to improve the situation?
Lunch Break
Early clinical proof of effect of inhaled lung therapies in Phase 1 : Evaluation of mode of action and drug deposition in the target organ of healthy subjects
Johannes H. Nagelschmitz
Can TRPA1-Antagonists Solve The Unmet Medical Need For Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy?
Heleen Marynissen
Optimising paediatric medicines development through early selection of the best accepted formulation with a scientifically sound composite endpoint method
Viviane Klingmann, Germany
Piloting new patient centric sampling approaches in phase-1 clinical trials
Jorien Gilops
Healthy Volunteers in Distress: Creating A Guideline For Implementation Of Emergency Mock Trainings In A Phase I Clinical Pharmacology Unit
Thomas De Ridder
Feasibility Assessment Of The BD Rhapsody™ Single-cell RNA-sequencing Platform On Liver Fine-needle Aspirates And Blood Of Healthy Volunteers
Jonathan Janssens
Increasing Digitalisation in Human Pharmacology Studies Management: Helping or Hindering Speeding-up clinical trials? – Experiences and Suggestions
Chairs: Sybille Baumann, Germany; Henri Caplain, France
Nextgen endpoints for clinical drug development
Kristin Hannesdottir, United States; Jelena Curcic, SwitzerlandDigitalisation in early clinical trials: theory and practical examples
Sverre Bengtsson, Sweden
Moderated plenary discussion

Day 2 - Friday, 26 May, 2023

How to assess risk from pre-clinical to clinical research more efficiently - Experiences and suggestions
Chairs: Paul Goldsmith, UK; Joachim Höchel, Germany
POM – It is all about proof of mechanism
Fabienne Schumacher, Germany
From Celecoxib to Gene Editing – Experiences of a London based first in human principal investigator
Jörg Täubel, UK
Fair consent processes in early phase research – striking a balance between benefits and harms
Hugh Davies, UK
None fits all: (adaptive) scientific advice formats in the (innovative) pharmaceutical development process - Experiences and Suggestions
Chairs: Ingrid Klingmann, Belgium; Dick de Vries, The Netherlands; Joachim Hoechel, Germany
Presentation of the new regulatory support toolbox for early (clinical) development and beyond
Bettina Ziegele, Germany
Moderated plenary discussion: How can these options best be used for innovative early pharmaceutical medicines development by academia, large and small pharma companies? TBA/TBC
Lunch Break
Ensure Efficiency of Collaboration between Sponsors and Clinical Trial Units under the Clinical Trial Regulation – Experiences and Suggestions
Chairs: Hardman, UK; Jelle Klein, Belgium
How can CROs support big pharma as well as small biotech companies in their CTR submission
Sybille Baumann, Germany
Sponsor and CTU communication during the dossier preparation and trial authorisation process – Experiences from sponsor and site perspectives
Emma Meijer, The Netherlands

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