16.12.2022: The (early) clinical development of new analgesics: the point of view of a pain clinician (online)

EUFEMED Innovation Club Workshop

Webinar on 16 December 2022 at 16:00-17:30 CET

In the first part of this webinar an overview will be provided of the wide “landscape” of pain syndromes. Next to the current understanding of the pathophysiology of pain and the basic processes of nociception, the main limitations of the current analgesics will be discussed. Based on these limitations an overview will be presented about the explorative research pipelines into new targets to tackle pain. Many of these targets will soon become or are already under investigation in early clinical drug development trials.


16:00Welcome and introduction by Prof. Dr. Jan de Hoon, UZ Leuven, Belgium
16:05The (early) clinical development of new analgesics: the point of view of a pain clinician by Prof. Dr. Bart Morlion, UZ Leuven, Belgium
17:00Q&A and conclusion

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