Download presentations of the Webinar 1 (13 MAY 2022)

An overview of changing aspects for national Phase I trials under the EU Clinical Trial Regulation (13 MAY 2022)

The supporting presentations for each of the Session Leads

 Ingrid Klingmann – Introduction

1. Ingrid Klingmann_Introduction.pdf

Sebastien Vanhiesbecq – CT College BE

2.1 Sebastien Vanhiesbecq_CT College_BE

Thomas Sudhop – BfARM

2.2 Thomas Sudhop_BfARM

Claire Bahans – CNCP

2.3 Claire Bahans_CNCP

Anne Moulin – MDSS

2.4 Anne Moulin_MDSS

Pieter de Graeff – BEBO

2.5 Pieter de Graeff_BEBO

Read more about the 2022 CTIS Webinar 1 here!