The increasing importance of early clinical drug development and harmonisation across Europe in the early 2000’s saw several national societies getting involved in mutually beneficial informal collaborations in the field of human pharmacology.

Following the success of a variety of collaborative initiatives it was recognised that several representative bodies shared interests, objectives and values and together could provide a coherent ‘voice’ to represent the interests of those involved in exploratory medicines development in Europe. The foundation of EUFEMED was the result of the successful meetings held in Berlin (2011) and Nice (2013). Four (founding) societies determined to formalise their association under a single entity in 2015, The European Federation for Exploratory Medicines Development (EUFEMED).

The founding national societies were Healixia (previously the Belgian Association for Phase-I Units (BAPU)), Association Française de Pharmacologie Translationnelle (previously Club Phase 1, France), the Association for Applied Human Pharmacology (AGAH, Germany) and the Association for Human Pharmacology in the Pharmaceutical Industry (AHPPI, United Kingdom).

The federation expanded in 2022 to incorporate two additional national societies as full members: Polish Association for the Development of Innovative Medicines (POLFEMED, Poland) and the Association of Clinical Research Organizations in the Netherlands (ACRON, The Netherlands).


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The EUFEMED board

Jan de Hoon
Jelle Klein
Agnieszka Kulesza
Communication Coordinator
Ingrid Klingmann
President Elect
Virginie Esposito
Events Coordinator

Our mission

EUFEMED is the European not-for-profit association for the exchange of information, guidance and opinion between sponsors, national agencies, research units and study participants on the practice of early clinical development of medicines with the ultimate goal of improving therapeutic options for individual patients and society as a whole.

  • Guidance: EUFEMED offers opportunities to share and debate information on new models in medicines development and best practice of applied human pharmacology in conferences, workshops and webinars, and through the development of reference materials and publications.
  • Education and Training: EUFEMED develops and delivers education and training to improve and support the conduct and practice of early clinical development of medicines.
  • Safety: EUFEMED promotes the best interests of study participants and fosters the safe practice of human pharmacology in clinical trial planning, conduct and reporting among all stakeholders involved in early medicines development.
  • Networking: EUFEMED facilitates networking between stakeholders of human pharmacology through its member associations by organising discussion and meeting opportunities at a European level.
  • Representation: As a collective, EUFEMED represents its members in public consultations and discussions on future legislation and operational practices in early medicines development with regulatory agencies, governments, non-government organisations, industry and academia, with the aim of ensuring that appropriate recognition is given to the importance of developing new medicines in Europe.


EUFEMED invites other national societies active in human pharmacology to join our association. Institutions, pharma or service provider companies can apply for associate membership.

Membership candidates ARE national or European not for profit organisation or association that:

  • is validly incorporated and/or existing under the laws or customs of its country
  • is active in early clinical medicines development
  • commits to abide by the Articles of Association, Internal Regulations and decisions of the bodies of the Association


EUFEMED invites other national societies active in human pharmacology to join our association. Institutions, pharma or service provider companies can apply for associate membership.

Membership candidates ARE national or European not for profit organisation or association that:

  • is validly incorporated and/or existing under the laws or customs of its country
  • is active in early clinical medicines development
  • commits to abide by the Articles of Association, Internal Regulations and decisions of the bodies of the Association

Associate member must not fulfil the criteria for full membership and must:

  • be validly incorporated and/or existing under the laws or customs of its country
  • be an organisation, association or any other form of legal entity, including but not limited to universities, foundations or commercial companies
  • be professionally and actively involved in early clinical development
  • commit to abide by the Articles of Association, Internal Regulations and decisions of the bodies of the Association


Square de Meeûs 35

1000 Brussels


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